اخبار عالمية

What do we know about “Trump’s medicine” to prevent Covid-19

What do we know about "Trump's medicine" to prevent Covid-19

Why is the drug undergoing tests on the Corona virus
This drug was used to treat SARS in 2003, and since the new virus is a coronavirus, scientists are experimenting with how effective it is in treating Covid-19,
Dr. Hamid Merchant of Huddersfield University told euronews that experiments envisage knowing whether this drug can It can be used to treat severe
cases of pneumonia at the cellular level, or if it can be used to treat infections caused by the Corona virus. Are there any possible side
effects of this medicine? Like any other drug, hydroxychloroquine may have serious side effects, especially for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, or who use pacemakers or diabetics


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